Our biodynamic whole grains are available to order in either 10 or 20 kilogram bags.

Our Australian bread wheat captures what baker and author John Downes calls “the lost flavour of wheaten goodness”. This flavour is enhanced in sourdough and long ferment breads. Mill this grain into flour suitable for bread and home baking, boil it and add it to grain salads or sprout it for use in juices and sprouted breads.

Our Australian heritage rye grain is suited to home milling, with the flour ideal for making traditional European breads and crunchy biscuits.

Naked barley
Our ancient barley variety sheds its hull naturally at harvest forgoing the need for pearling, thus allowing the nutrient rich aleurone bran to remain intact. It is ideal for enriching winter soups, casseroles, grain salads and summer drinks. It can be sprouted for juice or milled into a sweet soft flour perfect for flat and unleavened breads and pancakes.