Situated in the heart of the West Australian wheatbelt, the Demeter certified Eden Valley flour mill only processes biodynamic certified hard and soft wheats, rye and barley grains.
Please note our flour is now only available in 12.5 kg bags.

Premium Baker’s Flour
A unique, stone milled, naturally creamy white flour for all-purpose baking, particularly well suited to bread making, pizza bases and pasta. Available in 12.5kg bags.

Self-raising cake and biscuit flour
A delicate, stone milled, naturally white flour with superior taste characteristics, made from a soft wheat variety and combined with aluminium free raising agents. Available in 12.5kg bags.

Wholemeal flour
Stone milling heritage Australian wheat varieties grown in our Demeter-certified Biodynamic soil, gives great depth of flavour and nutrition to this 100% wholemeal flour. Available in 12.5kg bags.

Rye flour
This traditional style, stone ground 100% rye flour is ideal for European breads, pasta and crunchy biscuits. Available in 12.5kg bags.

Heritage atta flour
This specialty stone ground flour is milled to retain the fine bran, wheat germ and semolina of the whole grain. The grain used in this flour comes from a mixed crop of Australian Heritage bread wheat varieties, allowing us to recapture the sweet wheaten favour often lost in modern flours. Suitable for bread, pizza bases, pasta and flatbreads. Available in 12.5kg bags.

Plain cake and biscuit flour
A delicious, light, unbleached plain flour made from a special soft wheat. Suitable for cakes and biscuits. Available in 12.5 kg bags.

Barley flour
A sweet smelling, delicious, unbleached, stone-milled flour for unleavened breads and sourdoughs. Add our Premium Baker’s Flour for a lighter loaf. This flour is made from a unique barley variety that sheds its hull at harvest, eliminating the need for pearling thereby preserving the vitamin rich aleurone bran. Available in 12.5 kg bags.

Made from the coarsely ground heart of hard wheat grain. Use in bread, pasta and breakfast cereal. Available in 12.5 kg bags.