Situated at Dumbleyung in southern Western Australia, Eden Valley Biodynamic Farm is owned and farmed by the Lloyd family who practise ecologically-sustainable, traditional agriculture.

The farm is an original selection of land that encompasses a total mini catchment of 1,295 hectares. The primary farm produce includes livestock products derived from Merino sheep (wool, meat) and from grain crops (wheat, barley, oats, rye). The property includes Ronville Merino Stud founded in 1950.
The farm property is blessed with natural ridge boundaries in the north, west and south, and man-made boundaries made up of 40m road and railway reserves and double-fenced shelter belts. All boundaries are subject to a progressive development plan in which native trees and shrubs are planted within double fenced shelter belt reservations. This reinforcement of the farm boundaries further limits the risk of weed blow-in, chemical spray drifts and livestock straying in or out of the property. Nature conservation corridors are planted and set aside to link existing bushland enabling native fauna to safely move.
A widely integrated surface drainage system has been implemented that harvests rainwater into dams and directs surplus water safely from the property via natural drainage lines. Because of its position in the landscape, within the entity of the Eden Valley, it is possible to regulate aspects of the micro-climate and water table.

Over the years, the farm area has expanded to 2,514 hectares to include Jindalee farm to the east and Banderding farm to the west. Each farm is managed along the same biodynamic farming principles as Eden Valley.

The farm’s flour mill processes biodynamic grain grown on the farm into certified baker’s flour, wholemeal, atta, self-raising, rye, barley and pasta flours. Other certified products include whole grains for milling and sprouting, stock feeds of straw, hay and formulated livestock pellets for sheep, cattle, horses and goats, as well as poultry kibble for free-ranging laying hens.
More than 90% of our electricity needs are supplied from on-farm solar panels and battery storage.

The biodynamic system that has developed on the farm is broadly based on three years of annual pasture rotationally grazed by Merino sheep followed by one year of crop. Biodynamic preparation 500 is applied annually to all arable land between June and August.
Eden Valley Biodynamic Farm produce is grown and processed without the use of artificial and synthetic chemicals, fertilisers or genetically engineered organisms.
All produce is hand packaged with the striking flour packaging design the subject of an award.